Our main activity is guarding and protection of civil and industrial targets. The pillars of our company, our security guards...
The remote monitoring service is achieved through the DAKOTA SECURITY SERVICE dispatch center. The service includes monitoring signals coming from...
Trained and experienced security personnel, as well as planning and optimal security preparations are the basis to event security. Preparation...
DAKOTA SECURITY SERVICE installs alarm systems, video surveillance systems, fire alarm systems as well as communications and IT systems using...
Bodyguarding is probably the best known security domain, through this service, DAKOTA SECURITY SERVICE provides protection in situations where freedom,...
Escorting the valuable transports is a very important mission, which aims to avoid any offenses that endanger the transportation process....
Power cordons are deflectors of great safety, means of closing concerts and events. Solid metal components, safely mounted, excellently resistance...
The risk analysis consist in the identifying, categorizing and assessing of the possible risks. We study the probability of risk,...
DAKOTA SECURITY SERVICE provides colsultancy to identify optimal solutions on objective security and protection, risk analysis, and the preparation and...
Security agent course Our "Security agent" course is authorized by the romanian National Authority for Qualifications (Autoritatea Naţională pentru Calificări) and...